Corporate Profile

immigration lawyer
Project details

Client: Akhtar Immigration Law Firm

Date: December, 2020

Design: Corporate Profile

Programs Used: Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Wix

Project description


Working with another designer, re-design the existing website, and develop a layout for the corporate profile with a cohesive theme, based off of the existing logo.


Typography was important for such a text-heavy piece. A bold pairing of Playfair Display Serif with Avenir Sans Serif was chosen to create an updated and approachable feel, while still maintaining a professional look.

The client had already chosen their colour palette, of Red, White, and Black. We were able to add tints and shades to create more depth and options for a variety of visuals, but stay within the bounds of brand standards.

Consistent image treatments were applied to allow for a unified feel within the new brand presentation.

Use of white space and grid were imperative to allow for balance in information, pull quotes and imagery.